A New GenAI-powered Way for Valuation Teams to Work

Lime unlocks the power of models like hat-GPT to make financial analysts more productive in a safe and trustable environment that is tailored to your organization's unique data and standards.

  • Variety of documents

    Supports any kind of text-based financial documents or call transcripts (even from video). Easily summerize a wide variety of analyst reports

  • Interactive reports

    Build comparative analysis reports on the fly and use point and click or chat to elaborate and enhance paragraphs or add source material references

  • Custom to your org

    Lime is customized to your enterprise context. Lime understands your valuation methods, standards and how you work with different asset classes

How does it work?

  • 1

    Upload Financial Documents

    Upload any kind of financial document for processing by the LLM: PDFs, Excel, CSV, Call Transcripts, 10-K reports and other analyst reports. Option to use automated pipeline to make latest and freshest documents always available.

  • 2

    Generate Live Report

    Select two or more companies to compare to generate reports. Review individual company reports, and comparative analysis. Tweak reports by choosing from reporting periods, evalaution methods and calculation methods, which can be tweaked to your enterprise context and standards.

  • 3


    Click individual paragraphs to elaborate explanations further Resposnes are tailored to your organizational standards and evaluation methods for your firm and asset type.

  • 4

    Citations & References

    Click "Citation" to reveal the original source documents for summerized paragraphs.


Why Invest in GenAI for Valuations?

Valuation analysis is an iterative and investigative process. It requires intuition and quick digestion of multiple information sources. Lime augments financial analysts to take on this complex work.

  • Efficiency & Time to Market

     Glean insights quicker and make informed recommendations sooner by working more efficiently 

  • Increased Coverage

     Access to more information sources than humans alone can reasonably investigate 

  • Better Understanding

     Act with greater confidence thanks to a more comprehensive analysis backed by citations

Powered by:

  • Azure
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does this GenAI suffer from "hallucinations"?

    Lime reports are generated by the contents of the uploaded financial documents you make available. The model pipeline and workflows are designed conservatively with multiple constraints (including those unique to your organization).

  • How can I trust the reports?

    Lime generated reports have been reviewed by financial anlaysts, but each organization has their own standards and evaluation methods to consider. Lime understands your enterprise context and has controls, monitoring and guardrails to ensure accuracy included in the Databricks platform.

  • What model(s) are used?

    Lime is a flexible and transparent solution, which can be configured with the latest open source modes, including Databrick's DBRX, which can match the accuracy of commerical models, but at a reduced cost of inference.

  • Does Data Leave My Organization?

    Lime runs on your existing Databricks environment. When paired with open source model hosting, no data leaves your organization's existing cloud infrastructure.

Book a Custom Demo

Talk to an expert and learn how financial organizations are using GenAI to assist analysts with comparative analysis and gain a competitive advantage.